1) IGSV Elections: At our January IGSV Group meeting yesterday, those in attendance decided that IGSV should move forward in a scaled-back way so as not to lose this community. Therefore, we will move ahead with our annual Leadership Council elections for those who are eligible voters (needed to have attended at least two IGSV meetings in the last 12 months). If you are eligible, you will receive an email from our administrator/secretary Barbara Chilmonik about how to vote. Voting will begin on 2/7.
2) Indivisible National: As this group begins to scale back, please consider staying in touch with the Indivisible movement nationally. Sign up for their weekly activist emails at their homepage: https://indivisible.org.
3) Rest, stay, hydrated, get some sunlight (Action Item from Indivisible National): Activist burnout is unfortunately very real – and it is important as we are on this journey to create meaningful change in our communities, that we don’t forget to take care of ourselves. So if you need to take a break, more power to you. If you need to take a deep breath, do it. It is vital that you make sure you are getting enough rest, drinking plenty of water, getting some sunlight, and practicing lots of self-care and self-love. There are other people in this choir who are going to keep on singing. We’re in this fight for the long haul and we need to take care of ourselves and each other.
4) Malinowski Campaign: As you know, Congressman Malinowski is running for re-election this year to represent a new NJ7 district that has shifted toward more Republican voters. A priority for this group has been supporting electing him in 2018 and re-electing him in 2020. Please sign up to volunteer with the 2022 campaign here: https://malinowskifornj.com/action/.
Quote of the week: “The person I nominate to replace Justice Breyer will be someone with extraordinary qualifications. Character, experience, and integrity. And they will be the first Black woman nominated to the United States Supreme Court.” – President Biden, https://twitter.com/POTUS/status/1486756549372567561