1) 2021 Campaigns: Thank you to the fantastic group of 20 who attended our group meeting yesterday to canvass or write postcards for Democratic candidates! We were able to cover a list of ~150 addresses for postcards and knock hundreds of doors in Clinton Township. This week, reach out to the Murphy campaign or one of the other local campaigns (LD23, Hunterdon County, your municipality) to see how you can help!
2) Medicare Prescription Drugs: Flyers were sent to many voters in NJ7 this week claiming that Congressman Malinowski wants to cut Medicare. In fact, Democrats want to expand Medicare and Medicaid by allowing Medicare to negotiate prices they pay on prescription drugs, which would cut expenses but not services. Call Congressman Malinowski this week to let him know that we, like 80+% of the public, support Medicare being able to negotiate drug prices, just like private insurance companies. You can read more about the issue here: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/15/upshot/democrats-stumble-drug-prices.html.
3) Freedom to Vote Act: Senate Democrats have released a new voting rights bill called the Freedom to Vote Act (read more here: https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/pass-freedom-vote-act). Indivisible is supporting this bill, and has an action item on their website here: https://indivisible.org/demand-your-senator-eliminate-filibuster-pass-freedom-vote-act. The priority is to get Democrats to alter the filibuster rules to allow for simple majority votes to protect democracy. Contact our two Senators to let them know that you support the revised bill and that they should change the voting rules if necessary to pass it.
4) Unrig the Courts: Indivisible is a partner in the organization to unrig the federal court system. Read about their efforts and solutions here: https://www.unrigthecourts.org. Then contact our Members of Congress to let them know of your support for one or more of these solutions.
Quote of the week: “Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country, and this world.” – Sharon Saltzberg