Week of July 4, 2021

Happy July 4, everyone!

1) Deadline for Democracy: Indivisible is encouraging efforts by Indivisible groups across the country to help pass the For the People Act (HR1/S1). You can read about the efforts here: https://deadlinefordemocracy.org. You can record a video for our Members of Congress here: https://indivisible.soapboxx.us/prompt-single/democracydeadline. And please attend a rally on July 7 in Lambertville, hosted by Indivisible Lambertville-New Hope! Register here: https://indivisiblelnh.com. Given the Supreme Court’s continued gutting of the Voting Rights Act, the For the People Act (or Senator Manchin’s scaled-down version) are critical: https://www.npr.org/2021/07/01/998758022/the-supreme-court-upheld-upholds-arizona-measures-that-restrict-voting.

2) Celebrate all of July 4: Our celebration of Independence Day should be nuanced, particularly given the continued reminders of the less savory parts of American history. To that end, please read this article about Frederick Douglass’s July 4 address: https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2021/07/04/frederick-douglass-july-4th-slavery/. And then look at this really interesting map of which indigenous populations live(d) across the planet prior to colonization: https://native-land.ca.

3) IGSV July Picnic: Several members have suggested hosting an IGSV picnic this summer. The best weekend seems to be July 24 or 25. Please respond by email to indivisiblegsv@gmail.com about exactly when would be best (afternoon or evening, and potluck versus BYO food). Thanks!

4) Support Malinowski: Tom Kean Jr. has told GOP colleagues that he plans to run against Congressman Malinowski again in 2022. One thing that will help us keep our excellent Representative is to donate and volunteer: https://malinowskifornj.com/action/. These actions provide the resources for reaching voters early and often, and keep the good press coming (https://newjerseyglobe.com/congress/malinowski-posts-gargantuan-2nd-quarter-fundraising-numbers-to-bolster-re-election-prospects/).

Quote of the week: “I love America more than any other country in the world and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” – James Baldwin